Name of the place: Lake of Rugonfalva
Short description of the building/place:
The lake of Rugonfalva is a well-liked place for fishing and bathing. In the summer that is. While the hot weather invites a lot of people in the nature, during winter the lake freezes and is abandoned. The municipality thought about ways to give life to this beautiful lake and have come up with organizing skating events.
Event number: 1
Event name: Skating on the lake of Rugonfalva
Event date: December 2021 – February 2022
Event description:
The skating event has become rather popular during the years, especially for families to whom transport is a difficult question. Around the lake there are quite a few towns and villages from which kids regularly visit in order to have fun and do sports. The municipality intended this option to be accessible both financially and timewise, therefore the tickets are only around 50 cents.