Name of the place / building: Avicola football pitch
This is old football pitch on edge of the town, which was not use. It has 200 sq. meters. In the past, people didn’t deal with this place, so it was fell a bit. But now we’re trying to improve this place because it has potential.
Event 1
1. Event name: Keresztúri napok (Town days Cristuru Secuiesc)
2. Event date: 30.07.2021 – 01.08.2021
3. Event description:
Biggest event in our city (Cristuru Secuiesc). Town days have a lot of opportunities for children’s (Craft tent, student days, …) and adults also (concerts, market with hand-made products, street foods, …). Everyone’s going to find something good. Also, we organize sports competitions.
4. Event video(s)
5. Event images
Event 2
1. Event name: Children daily camp
2. Event date: 05.07.2021 – 09.07.2021
3. Event description: This camp we organize every year for 6 to 10 years old kids. It is daily camp, without sleeping. Almost every activity we organize in the football pitch – traditional games, Olympic games, cultural exploring, …
4. Event video(s)
5. Event images:
Event 3
1. Event name: Petőfi emlékfutás (Petőfi memorial run)
2. Event date: 06.08.2022
3. Event description:
The Petőfi memorial run is a community run, where the goal is moving, not winning. For the start and the finish, we were looking for a location related to the topic, so we found the abandoned Avicola football pitch. The route also included one of Cristuru Secuiesc attraction, the Sóskut bath. People run in several categories. One of these categories is BABY category. There the children could run or walk through the safety route in the football pitch.
4. Event images (if any):